The 2018–2021 Equality Plan of Suara Cooperativa comes into force in coincidence with the commemoration of the International Women’s Day, the 8th March. This plan pursues the objective of improving policies and actions to defend the equality in the Cooperative, as well as how to contribute as a changing agent in aspects related to equality in the social scale. From Suara Cooperativa, where women make up 90%, we bet to make progress towards real equality.
This new Equality Plan appears through the evaluation of the firs plan which was created by the Cooperative in 2012, in a diagnostic exercise to identify new future challenges in gender equality. The application of the 2018–2021 Equality Plan is related to the constitution of the Equality Commission of the Cooperative, which involves the participation of legal representatives of workers and will be responsible of the design, the development and the monitoring of the Equality Plan of Suara.
The 2018–2021 Equality Plan considers working with the Protocol of male violence against women, the initiative of the Time Reform and the overrepresentation of women in work places in people care. The plan also considers the inclusion of formative actions about equality of opportunities between women and men, and the creation of the figure of the Equality Agent.