On our platform you will find different training:

  • Professional Certificates

  • Training capsules

Classe presencial

Professional Certificates

Currently, we have the Certificate of Professionalism in Social and Health Care for people in situations of dependency and/or disabilities in social institutions. This certificate has a theoretical and practical part.

The Suara Campus has the advantage of offering a large part of the theory online, so you can adapt the course to your availability. Once the theory is completed, the possibility of doing internships within Suara is offered.

450 hours of training

370 theoretical hours and 80 practical hours

185 hours online

Half of the theoretical hours are online 

At your pace

Internships in Suara

Internships are offered within Suara services

Classe online

Training capsules

Here you will find different training capsules aimed at care professionals, people cared for and family members. They are self-training capsules that are carried out online through the Virtual Classroom of the Suara Campus. These capsules can be done from any device and the duration is variable, since there are training sessions that last 15 minutes and others that last 2 hours.

For professionals, cared for people and family members



Maximum duration of two hours


Dos estudiants

If you are already part of the Suara Campus student body, enter here.


Acreditació de compatències professionals

We are also an Information and Guidance Point for the accreditation of professional skills.

More information


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