We are a social and non-profit cooperative with almost 40 years’ experience in the field of caring for people, responding to people’s entire life cycle needs.
With more than 5.300 professionals, we manage a wide range of services and facilities, developing our activity in the fields of social services, care for people in a situation of dependency, children and families, well-being and health, the elderly, education and training, and employment and work, among others
Each of our services or projects is located at the heart of the activity
Thanks to our organizational model and our management system, based on social responsibility and collaborative work, we can adapt the answer to specific needs.

Our organizational structure is governed by the Assembly of members of the Cooperative, which is the highest decision-making body. This organizational form fosters the empowerment of all people from their workplace, through a governance model that encourages direct participation in day-to-day decision-making.
Key figures (31/12/2023)
People attended
Hours of home care services provided
Persons recruited
Female staff
Training hours
118,185,139 €
Operating income
30,910,867 €
Own funds
282,909,569 €
Integrated Social Value
Organization chart

Suara's mission is to transform the social environment, improving people's current situation through a range of quality services set up in their local areas, which promote their well-being and personal growth, through a cooperative business project.
Transforming ideas into projects and incorporating technology into our business ensure maximum efficiency and are key future issues.
The cooperative activity revolves around people: professionals, people attended to, customers and partners..
Socially responsible
Committed to the environment, regional development, the generation of employment and reinvestment of corporate surplus.
The democratic management of the cooperative, networking with external stakeholders and enhancing the empowerment of all people linked to Suara.
Advisory Council

Laia Bonastra Argüello

Bàrbara Outeiro Ramírez

Jordi Masnou Crous

Carla Valero Tous

Susanna Benabarre Pascual

Rosa Castillo Ascensio

Sara Corado Gómez

Mireia Miralles Miras

Elisabet Ruiz Diaz
Strategic Board of Directors

Laura Peracaula Basagaña

Tomàs Llompart i Coll

Cristina Añaños Martínez

Marc Carbonell Bertran

Àngels Cobo Puig

Pep Fàbregas Gelabert

Laura Gómez Servando

Esther Mateu Carles

Mar Mestre Sáez

Anna Nicolau Moyés

Laia Planagumà Navarro

Dúnia Roselló Sainz

Mònica Vázquez Rigueiro