Employment and work services
At Suara we believe in the skills and talents of all people, out of respect for diversity. We are able to provide our services thanks to our team of professionals who work with passion and commitment, and the institutions that finance us.
Schools for adults
Alella School for Adults
Natura School for Adults
Pineda de Mar
Francesc Llobet i Gibert School for Adults
Employment promotion
Escola Social (Social School)
Impulsa Building Center
El Pilar Job-seeking Service
Care Service for Vulnerable Families and Social Exclusion
Barri d'Oficis (work and training programme)
Other employment and work services
Suara Insertion
Insertion company (EI) promoted by Suara Cooperativa that we bet on the incorporation or socio-labor reincorporation of people in a situation of vulnerability and with more difficulties to access the ordinary labor market.
It provides cleaning, maintenance, laundry and distribution services, among others, with personalized support through insertion itineraries to facilitate the competence development of working people, accompanying them in improving their employability.

Intermedia Foundation
Created by the Fundació Surt, Fundació Ires and Suara Cooperativa, , it is an approved placement agency that is designed to respond to the two main interest groups: people seeking employment and companies that require professionals.
It offers advice, guidance, training and development services to people during their careers, and a wide range of services to companies, fostering the recruitment and development of knowledge capital that can make them sustainable and competitive.