Identification Data

SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL, is an entity registered in the Territorial Registry of Cooperatives, with registration No.7.928. The registered address is C. Sancho de Ávila, 52-58, 1r de Barcelona (08018); N.I.F.F-17444225; Email:


Validity of information

Access to the website SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL, and information concerning any of the products or services that it contains, implies acceptance of the conditions referred herein. Similarly, the information contained in these pages is currently in force after the latest update made.

SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL reserves the right to modify, at any time and without previous warning, the terms of use. For this reason, the User will have to check if modifications have been made when you visit the website. Every time you use the website the terms of use will be in accordance with the current changes.

All the fields in the data collection forms available to users on this website are mandatory. Failure to communicate these data could result in the inability to respond to your request. However, information regarding products or services offered on this website is exclusively indicative and in no way binding.


Intellectual property

All content that is part of the Web page, without exclusion or limitation, i.e., information, articles, data, texts, logos, icons, images, design and image of the web page (external appearance or look and feel), video, audio, databases and software application files, are the property of SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL or are used under license from third party owners of the intellectual and industrial property rights of the mentioned contents. These are protected by national and international intellectual property laws.

The User can create a private copy of the contents solely for personal use. Any other use or exploitation will require prior authorization and written consent from the holder of the exploitation rights. In particular, it is forbidden to reproduce, distribute, communicate publicly (including the right of making available), set, transform, collect and, in any other way, exploit the contents of the website without prior and written consent from the exploitation rights holder. Under no circumstances is access to this Website indicative of any type of refusal, transmission or total or partial transfer of said rights.


Industrial property

The trademarks and logos on this website are protected by Spanish and international industrial property laws. Likewise, SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL is the owner of all the logos that identify the cooperative. is a domain registered by SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL. This domain cannot be used in connection with other services that are not those of the holder in such a way that may cause confusion among customers or discredit the company, except with prior authorization.

It is forbidden to reproduce (except for the temporary downloading of the page to the hard disk of the User’s computer or to proxy servers), copy, use, distribute, re-use, exploit, perform second copies, send by mail, transmit and modify any distinctive sign mentioned above and that is found on this website, without the express authorization of the owner.


Privacy policy

SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL is committed to the privacy of the User’s data, and therefore applies a privacy policy based on the principles of data protection of the European Union

For more information, see our Privacy Policy.


Job opportunities

The User can apply to SUARA’s Job Opportunities through the website, by filling out the form and introducing their CV and professional information. The processing of the provided data shall be governed by the “Privacy Policy” outlined in the previous section.

Any documentation or information that exceeds that required for the evaluation of the professional profile will be erased.



The information contained in this website is current as of the date of its last update, and does not represent any contractual obligation on the part of SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL. The content herein is disclosed for information purposes only, and does not constitute an offer to buy or sell any type of product or service.

SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL shall not be held responsible for damage resulting from misuse of the website contents’ and reserves the right to update, eliminate, limit or prevent access, either temporarily or permanently without prior notice.

Similarly, SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL is not liable for any information provided by sources other than the Organization and refuses any responsibility for the contents of Internet sites reached by means of the links published herein.

Likewise, SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL, is not responsible for any security errors that may occur due to the use of computers infected with viruses, or any consequences that may arise from malfunctioning browsers, whether due to the use of outdated versions, improper configuration thereof or any other cause unrelated to SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL. SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL, does not guarantee the availability and functioning of the website. Under no circumstances, will SUARA SERVEIS, SCCL be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including damages to computer systems and the introduction of viruses existing on the Internet, arising from Internet browsing, required for the use of this website.


Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by the laws of Spain. 
For the resolution of any conflict or dispute that may arise from the access or use of the website, as well as any issues that may arise regarding interpretation, application and completion, the User undertakes to abide by the courts of the city of Barcelona, waiving any other general or special law that may correspond.