With nearly 1,600 members, one of Suara's key challenges is to respond to cooperative values ​​while making people feel that they are part of a common project. "Participation allows us to have a sense of belonging within the cooperative," says partner Alexandra Vilardell.

So, with participation, it is possible to respond to these two objectives. A good example of this is that in the last Ordinary General Assembly of Suara Cooperativa, held on May 25 in Olesa de Montserrat, a participation of more than 80% of working people was achieved, who voted on the main challenges of the present and future of the organization. In addition, this became a meeting and sharing space between the different partner people. But how is it achieved?

First of all, in accordance with its cooperative values, Suara has a horizontal and democratic governance model, which has as an essential pillar the participation of working partners. For this reason, its main decision-making body is the General Assembly, where members participate on equal terms, that is, with the same voice and vote. In this, the main things that affect the cooperative are approved, such as, for example, the annual accounts, changes to the statute or strategic challenges that will mark the direction of the organization. Also, the Governing Council is elected, which throughout the year ensures that the mandate of the assembly is fulfilled from all areas.

"The assembly is a meeting place where we all meet, even if it's once a year, to discuss things about the cooperative," explains Vilardell, who also works as a Benestarum psychologist.

In order to be able to exercise this right to participate in the General Assembly, which is held twice a year, it is essential to be informed of what will be voted on. For this reason, the General Assembly Preparation Spaces (EPAG) are organized in the days before. "They prepare you quite well to see what you will find later in the General Assembly. I found them very complete", says Estefania Ortega, a family worker in the Vall d'Hebron since 2015, who took the step of becoming a partner last year. "I felt that I could participate more by being a partner and contribute my ideas", she says.

However, this participation goes beyond the Assembly or the previous days and Suara Cooperativa guarantees it throughout the year through different spaces such as face-to-face meetings between members and the Board of Directors, member outings; but also within the virtual sphere where you can consult different information about the organization, as well as send contributions, comments or proposals

A governance model that allows partners to feel identified with the Suara project, as is the case with family worker David Benito, who says: "I have been working for companies for many years and I have never had the right to decide. I don't work at Suara, I am Suara. Here, we are all Suara".

Share among different people

These spaces for participation, beyond being essential for Suara's governance model, also become meeting points and for sharing between members, as is the case of the Ordinary General Assembly. "It's once a year that you can meet, reconnect and connect with people", says Judit Rovira, private SAD care and Aliura.

Dues persones sòcies es retroben i s'abracen durant l'Assemblea General de Suara Cooperativa del 25 de maig del 2024

The Assembly is also an important space for Samia Ouadih, social educator of Sostre 360 ​​del Maresme, and Miriam Sanz. "It is a meeting point and to meet people because we are always on the screen or talking on the phone with Suara partners ", assures Ouadih. In the case of Sanz, he confesses that he always lives this moment with great emotion and nostalgia: "After so many years, and having gone through so many services, you arrive at the Assembly where you talk to other people and tell the anecdotes of the year ".

People who are not members are also invited to the Ordinary General Assembly so that they can learn about the cooperative model of the organization. Last May's event was attended by Lluís Rius, Director of Culture at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and member of the Advisory Board of Suara Cooperativa, who was impressed by it.

"First of all, see what this whole part has been more expository about the activity and service you have done in all this time. It seems to me, frankly, that you are a very necessary structure. Also, I really liked how you managed to get people to participate in their day-to-day life, but also in the assembly", says Rius.

This participation also fosters the cohesion of the teams as Paula Combriu explains, director of the Centers de Dia l'Abrera and Perelada since May, so since she is not yet a member she participated in the Olesa assembly of Montserrat as guest.

"It's the first time I've worked in a cooperative and I'm very happy and proud because I think we're all one. Without the team we wouldn't be able to push the work forward and I think this is the pillar", concludes Combriu.