Does your company, organization, entity or community have a challenge and don't know how to address it? There are no paths without obstacles, but most are surmountable. Often, it's just a matter of looking at them from a different perspective so that a NO becomes an ON (Go ahead!). 

For this purpose, the group of Coolthinkers of Suara Cooperativa was born, whose mission is to accompany teams of companies, organizations, entities from any field of action so that they look for innovative and disruptive solutions to their day-to-day challenges. It can also offer support to communities to find new opportunities that respond to their needs. 

But what is the task of Suara's Coolthinkers? This group has been formed using the Design Thinking methodology, which allows, through simple group and experiential dynamics, the parties involved in a challenge to jointly find a solution in the workplace or community. 

In these dynamics, called hacketons, through the five phases of Design Thinking (empathy, redefinition of the challenge, ideation, prototyping, evaluation and tasting), the group of people analyzes the different problems around the challenge, explores possible solutions and choose the most suitable according to its feasibility. In this process, where the person is put at the center and with an eye on the different technological innovations, disruptive solutions end up emerging that connect ideas that, previously, had never imagined that could work together. 

A tool also for Suara Cooperativa services

This is not the only challenge of this group of Coolthinkers, but it also seeks to implement these innovative processes within the areas and services of Suara Cooperativa. For this reason, it is also created to be a tool and a support lever for the different teams of the cooperative, regardless of their scope of action, so that they can overcome any challenge in their day-to-day life with disruptive and innovative solutions.  

The people who make up this group have diverse expertise such as innovation, communication, accompanying people from all life stages and different realities, administration, management or talent recruitment and retention.