Another year and for the thirteenth consecutive year, Suara cooperativa continues to support this movement of organizations that recognize and value diversity as a fundamental asset for business success and sustainability

Suara cooperativa has renewed its commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace by joining the Diversity Charter of Fundació Diversitat, the largest business movement in Europe in favor of diversity and inclusion in work environments .

The Diversity Charter is a manifesto that promotes 10 European principles that reflect the commitment of companies and institutions to equal opportunities in the world of work. Whether in terms of gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or any other individual, social or cultural condition, the signatory organizations of this movement recognize and value diversity as a fundamental asset for business success and sustainability

The ten principles of the Diversity Charter are:

1. Raise awareness of equality and respect for diversity as company values.

2. Advance the diversity of the teams, integrating diverse profiles.

3. Promote inclusion and avoid any form of discrimination at work.

4. Consider diversity in all people management policies.

5. Promote conciliation and co-responsibility in working hours.

6. Recognize the diversity of customers as a source of innovation.

7. Communicate the commitment to diversity to all staff.

8. Extend the commitment to supplier companies.

9. Transfer the commitment to third parties.

10. Disseminate diversity and inclusion policies and the results obtained.

Fundació Diversitat promotes the Charter of Diversity with the support of the European Commission and the national Charters of each of the countries of the European Union, thus encouraging the adoption of inclusive practices in the work environment. More than 1,600 organizations have signed this commitment in Spain and 16,000 in the European Union.