Tuesday, May 30, the closing ceremony of the CaixaProinfancia program of the "la Caixa" Foundation was held, concluding the course of the different socio-educational services that Suara Cooperativa manages in the cities of Girona, Salt and Banyoles, and that this year they have assisted 84 children and their families.
Different entities from the Girona CaixaProinfancia network organized the event, which was held in Parc de la Devesa, with the participation of more than 50 children and their families.
Throughout the day, different family activities were proposed. Among others, Cáritas Diocesana de Girona led a fun gymkhana of tests, while the La Sorellona association carried out an activity to discover the Ter river as it passes through Girona. Where it was possible to observe which animals live and how their presence is conditioned by the quality of the water.
The Suara Cooperativa proposal consisted of a while of cooperative games, to put into practice the values developed throughout the entire program. Once again, an opportunity to establish a relationship of help, trust, and collaboration with the rest of the classmates to achieve a common goal.
"We had a great time and we laughed a lot, sharing some snacks, laughter and conversations," explains Montse Barrantes Andrada, director of socio-educational services at Suara Cooperativa.
About Suara's participation in the CaixaProinfancia program
Caixa ProInfància is a strategic program of the “La Caixa” Foundation whose challenge is to promote socio-educational actions to promote the development of children and families, with the aim of generating opportunities for the future.
Through the Suara Cooperativa programme, it coordinates different educational support and reinforcement services from primary to secondary in the towns of Girona, Salt and also in this last year, a psychomotor service in Banyoles. It is a joint effort in collaboration with other entities, town halls and social services in the territory, with the aim of offering these children a fair and equal education and care.