Members of the Board of Directors, the Governing Board and people who lead a strategic project within the cooperative participated in the meeting with this advisory body, made up of external people with different areas of expertise.
The general co-management of Suara Cooperativa, made up of Laura Peracaula and Tomàs Llompart, accompanied by a group of people from the cooperative's strategic leadership team, today presented to the Advisory Board the main strategic projects and lines of work that it plans to develop in 2025.
In addition, the meeting served to take stock of 2024 and strengthen ties with this advisory body, made up of experts external to the cooperative.
The Advisory Board was established in 2023, with the aim of providing an external strategic vision and enriching the growth of Suara. Each member contributes knowledge in specific areas of interest to the cooperative. For this reason, the general co-management wanted to thank their involvement with Suara while highlighting that their contribution to the cooperative is of great value.
The meeting was also attended by the president of the Governing Council, Laia Bonastra, as well as the people who lead some of the projects and strategic challenges that the cooperative has this year.
To face this 2025, different plenary sessions will be organized with all the experts of the Advisory Council, as well as individual or small-format meetings to delve deeper into specific areas of work.
As a non-profit entity with social responsibility, Suara Cooperativa reinvests its profits in the territory in order to achieve a social transformation that improves the lives and well-being of people. Therefore, the creation of the Advisory Council responds to the cooperative's desire to promote its growth and strengthen its capacity for support.
The first year of the Advisory Board's existence served to establish an initial contact and jointly assess the priority lines of work in each area. Now, the objective is to be able to reinforce this relationship and delve deeper into each challenge that Suara has with a person or people who are experts in that area.
Currently, this advisory body is made up of thirteen people, who bring a plural and dynamic vision to the cooperative.