A day that revolved around the new child protection law against violence, bearing in mind that 1 in 5 children suffer some form of abuse.

The twelfth edition of the Socio-Educational Services Days of the cooperative took place at the offices of Glòries and dealt with Organic Law 8/2021 on comprehensive protection of children and adolescents against violence (LOPIVI).

The impact and implications of this law, approved in June 2021 and which involves a comprehensive review of the treatment of children and adolescents in all areas (educational, health, social services, among others), were addressed.

The presentation by Manel Ortega, Educo's expert on the new law and its implementation, inspired the teams of the different socio-educational services of Suara, and other specialized professionals, to enjoy a morning full of reflections on educational practice, and constructive debates regarding forms of violence against children and adolescents.

ponència protecció a la infància


“These days have allowed us to reflect on the good treatment of children, what situations and risks we can encounter in our centers and what we can do to improve our intervention with the children and adolescents in our services… They have been a good stimulus to be able to work with more care and awareness for the prevention of situations of abuse and neglect against children”, points out Andrea Quaranta, from the open centers in Girona.

At the same time, new tools and strategies based on prevention and detection were introduced as foundations for a reversal of all forms of abuse and violence against minors. Among other aspects, the importance of prevention and training of professionals who work with children and adolescents was highlighted.