Suara Cooperativa has launched the Program of active insertion measures for recipients of the guaranteed income of citizenship (MAIS) for 2022 through which more than 120 people will be served in 2 towns in the province of Barcelona and 1 in the province of Tarragona, with the aim of increasing the degree of employability and employment of people participating in the program.

Suara offers points of action, located in the city of Barcelona (in the districts of Sant Martí and Horta-Guinardó), Llinars del Vallès and Amposta.

Suara Cooperativa’s MAIS Program began in June with three action points and the October 1th increased to 4 points. The program, that will end on October 30, 2023, is co-funded by the Department of Business and Labor and the European Social Fund Plus.

Empresa i Treball



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