The municipal nursery schools managed by Suara Cooperativa started at the beginning of the school year, in September 2017, a digitalisation process through the KinderTIC platform. This technological tool wants to improve the academic management work through the use of tablets, as well as to prompt rapidly and efficient communications with families.
The professionals using the platform confirm that “KinderTIC implementation has improve the daily life in classroom: the time invested in the management of documentary formalities, such as the agendas and the individual observations has changed into an excellent dedicated time to children.
After 4 months of using Kindertic, the digital tool has proved to be a success. “It’s grateful to view almost instantaneous images of the activities”, explains one of the mothers, who assures that KinderTIC is more functional in “providing current information about school services and expenses of each family”. This technological implementation answers past necessities of the nursery schools, and brings significant paper savings, which maintains the schools philosophy about the acquisition of sustainable practices with environment.