The Department of Social Rights has taken over the space provided by the City Council of Sant Joan Despí and starting this September will launch the Els Cirerers day center, which will be managed by Suara Cooperative.

The day center is located at the Cirerers Senior Center in the Les Planes neighborhood, a reference space for the elderly in Sant Joan Despí that hosts most of the municipal services aimed at this group.

It will have 30 places for dependent elderly people and will be part of the public network of social services of Catalonia.

The space has everything necessary to meet the daytime care needs of dependent elderly people: a multipurpose activity room, a space for medical and care services, a physiotherapy room, a room for visits, bathrooms, changing rooms, and professional offices. With this step, Sant Joan Despí will have a new service to care for the dependent elderly in the municipality.

In today's visit, the councilor was accompanied by the General Director of Service Provision, Maria Rosa Pons y Vilarasau, the mayor of Sant Joan Despí, Belén García Criado, as well as other municipal representatives, and the heads of Suara Cooperative, Marc Carbonell and Lucía López.