Manel Gazo, expert in Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, gives a talk to Suara Cooperativa workers about circular economy.

"The current system is not sustainable neither for organizations nor for individual people", this is how Manel Gazo, expert in Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, expressed himself clearly in a talk on the circular economy for the working people of Suara Cooperativa, which took place last October 2.

The circular economy is one of the main axes of action that Suara Cooperativa wants to promote, through the Social Digital Lab, to achieve a more sustainable activity with the planet and society. For this reason, Gazo's talk served to introduce the main concepts of the circular economy to the working people of Suara, as well as to reflect on the challenges the organization has to promote it within the cooperative.

At the beginning of his speech, Gazó emphasized the need to abandon the linear economy, which is the one on which the capitalist exploitation model has been based until now, to replace it with a conception of the economy circular "We are heading towards a dystopian world. We are approaching environmental degradation and the belief that there is an irrational thought that the common good does not exist", explained the expert.

In his intervention, which was followed by about forty people both in person and virtually, he assured that nothing new should be invented and that in nature itself we see that it follows a circular model that is regenerated by herself For this reason, when a product is designed, it must be designed to be reusable. "We must create an economy that is regenerative from the design and from the root. That the products have the maximum duration", assured Gazo.


Persones treballadores comparteixen reflexions sobre economia circular amb Manel Gazo

Advantages of the circular economy

He also defended that "it is urgent to put aside the catastrophic messages like we are destroying the planet or we deserve extinction" at the same time as he stated: "Sustainability must be adopted, there are policies that can be compatible with growth. We can also investigate whether it is necessary to grow or not."

So, from his point of view, a new story is needed that shakes consciences, beyond fear, and offers a message of rational hope, where the circular economy plays a central role, since this "is a strategy of mitigation, with this we consume less energy".

This, however, is not the only advantage that the circular economy can bring, according to Gazo, but it also has a positive impact on the environment, can improve the efficiency of resources, reduce costs, offer new employment opportunities and training for the beneficiaries while contributing to the creation of a more aware and sustainable community.

"Before creating any product, we think of making it so that it lasts and can be reused", defended Gazo in a session that ended with a collective reflection on how this circularity can be implemented at Suara Cooperativa and what improvements can be introduced to move forward together towards a more sustainable cooperative.

The talk, organized Social Digital Lab, the social innovation laboratory of Suara Cooperativa, and the "Sustainability and Circular Economy" community of the organization was open to all working people with the will to introduce them to the concept of economy circular