Murgeza, who is president of the Mondragon Congress and the Eroski Governing Board, also explained to different workers of Suara how the cooperative group of the Basque Country, the largest in the world, works.

Leire Murgeza, one of the most influential people in the Social and Solidarity Economy both in Spain and internationally, visited the headquarters of Suara Cooperativa this week, where she was able to learn about its model of organization and activity oriented towards social action.

During a long working day, which began at 11:00 in the morning and ended after 18:00, Murgeza also explained to the Strategic Leadership Team (ELE) and Governing Board of Suara how the Mondragón Corporació Cooperativa, the largest cooperative group in the world, works.

The visit, which took place on Monday, began with a tour of the Social Digital Lab, the social innovation laboratory of Suara Cooperativa, where he was able to learn about the different pilot tests that are currently underway. This is the case of the use of virtual and immersive reality to improve the mental and physical health of the elderly or children and young people or the emotional well-being of workers.

In addition, he was also able to discover how robotics, sensors or voice assistants are used in services such as home care (SAD), as well as projects such as Casal Online, through which elderly people who are alone at home interact with each other through a device installed on the television while participating in workshops to exercise memory, physical fitness or recreational activities.


Leire durant la vista en un moment on se li presenta la robot Temi

The route also included a visit to the digital home of the Independent Living Center, where different technological solutions with sensory or demotic to simpler ones are explored to improve the lives of people in situations of dependency and that adapt to the reality of each of them.

Subsequently, Murgeza met with the General Co-Directorate, Laura Peracauala and Tomàs Llompart, and with the nine members of the Governing Council, to whom she explained the operation of Mondragón Corporació Cooperativa while also being able to learn about the Suara model and its activity oriented towards social action.

Murgeza, who is the president of the Mondragón Congress and the Eroski Governing Council, also met with the recently created Strategic Leadership Team (ELE) of Suara and which is made up of more than forty people.

The main change is that the ELE merges what was previously the strategic management board and the advisory board while integrating those people who lead a strategic project within the cooperative. In front of the ELE, Murgeza also detailed in depth the Basque cooperative project and showed interest in this new governance figure within Suara.

Beyond the positions she holds within Mondragón, Murgeza is also vice president of the State Confederation of the Social Economy (CEPES), as well as a member of the Economic and Social Council (CES), the main consultative body of the Spanish government on socioeconomic and labor matters, as well as a member of the Women Leaders of the Social Economy working group promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

As a result of Murgeza's extensive experience, her visit was also very enriching for the workers of Suara Cooperativa while also serving to generate spaces for the exchange of experiences and knowledge.