This is the first time that the Federation's presidency has been composed of two women

Laia Bonastra, president of the Board of Directors of Suara, has been appointed as the new co-chairwoman of the Federation of Labour Cooperatives.

This relief comes after six years of presidency of Guillem Llorens. It is a co-presidency collegiate with Ariadna Mendieta (Esberla Cooperativa), who wants to show the diversity of cooperativism and have, for the first time, two women.

One of the main objectives that have been set during his mandate is to strengthen the voice and presence of work cooperatives. On the other hand, to maintain a cooperative work that is strong, visible, capable of transformation and that serves as an example of sustainability and the future, committed to the care and care of people.

This appointment is an example of Suara’s commitment to support the cooperative fabric and the desire to transform the social surroundings, improving the reality and well-being of people, values that are framed within the mission of the Cooperative.