Suara Cooperativa received a delegation from representatives of cooperative companies in South Korea this October. The group, made up of a dozen people, integrate the Icoop federation ( The members of the group showed special interest in the business model of Suara, the participation of the partners and the types of services of attention to people.
In the course of their visit to Suara, they took advantage of the visit to get to know the Dovela Residential Center in Barcelona (which applies the person-centered care model) in first person, and the operation of Creixen Educació, the second-grade cooperative formed by the cooperatives Escola Sant Gervasi, Abacus and Suara for the management of schools.
The visit to Suara Cooperativa was part of a week-long route in Catalonia, in which Icoop representatives met other experiences such as Formació i Treball, La Fageda, Som Energia or the Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia, where they explained the Korean model of social economy, among others.