Jordi San José Buenaventura, former mayor of Sant Feliu de Llobregat and collaborator dedicates a few words to the entry "Mirabolà, seven years of welcome and solidarity in Sant Feliu", published on his personal blog.

We are very grateful for the testimony about the work and trajectory of SPAAI Mirabolà, managed by Suara, which has excellent professionals. The text is the result of the author's satisfaction, due to the fact that this summer "two unaccompanied migrant boys - whom he accompanied with the Mirabolà team - wanted to share a little of their joy, of being able to return to to embrace his family, to be able to return to the country from which they fled by crossing the desert first and the ocean later».

In the article he collects his experience of providing educational support and accompaniment to young people, as well as a summary of the center's journey throughout its almost 7 years of existence, hosting between 190-200 young people, with an average stay of 12-14 months. In addition, he asserts that accompanying young unaccompanied migrants "is a task of building the future, a future that must necessarily include young immigrants from Africa, South America and all over the world, in an aging European society with few children".

Read his testimony here.

San Jose (10/08/2024). Mirabolà, seven years of welcome and solidarity in Sant Feliu. Blog Jordi Sant José. link