Sharing innovative experiences to respond to the emergency caused by the covid19 pandemic, especially among young people in vulnerable situations. This has been the objective of the Euromet Symposium 2021. Eleven countries from all over Europe participated in this meeting to share their respective approaches to pan-European issues. This year, Catch22 hosted the annual event in virtual format due to the uncertainty derived from the covid-19 pandemic.

Within the framework of this conference, SuaraLab, Suara's social innovation laboratory, coordinated the participation of two centers managed by the cooperative to share their experience. The presentations, given by colleagues Gemma Baez, from the Terres de l’Ebre Reception Center, and Núria Via, from the Tosca assisted apartment, were able to share the projects in the first person under the title "Care models as a strategy for socio-educational action and socio-occupational with adolescents and children without family references".

The participants value the opportunity as an interesting and enriching experience: "Ideas and strategies have been shared between professionals, academics and different agents of the social sector who, like us, work every day transforming challenges, creating opportunities and developing great social work within the European framework. In this sense and in a global scenario like the one we have in these times of pandemic, drawing new horizons, anticipating difficulties, and sharing strategies among professionals at European level is vital to know how to give adequate responses to our services."

From Suara the Cooperative has been made known from the different aspects, explaining the services it offers, the model of care focused on people and its own values, as well as the response to the pandemic, what tools it has deployed to help cope to the adversities and changes that have taken place throughout the year.

Suara's presentation was complemented with a presentation on the operation of the Terres de l’Ebre Reception Center, and how confinement has been experienced, in a center of these characteristics: organization of professionals and adaptation to new situations, especially in supporting children and young people who live there.

Euromet has made it possible to share ideas, data and approaches for the future of young people in a post-covid world.