According to UN data, currently 1 out of 5 women and teenage girls aged between 15 and 49 have been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence at the hands of their partner in the 12 months prior to being asked.

For women subjected to violence, the risk of losing their job is another fear added to the many pressures and concerns they already have. That is why for us as an organisation it is important to reflect on this topic.


We have the social commitment to fight against any type of violence, and the responsibility to raise awareness about this situation, breaking with the traditional culture of tolerance or denial of gender inequality.

At Suara, where more than 90% of the employees are women, we are no exception. This is a problem that involves all of us, men and women, and we need to act to put solutions in place.


Let’s create safe environments to tackle situations of violence against women, provide them with support and accompany them, while always respecting their decisions.

It is crucial that we avoid repeating daily behaviours that perpetuate gender inequality. From the subtlest ways, such as sexist language, to control and physical or sexual assault.


Each individual is at a different time in their life. That is why it’s important to provide an atmosphere of trust where the woman can decide how and when she wants to be supported, respecting her rhythm, opinion and decision.

If she is reluctant or not ready to take the step to explain what is happening to her, that does not mean that there is nothing you can do. When in doubt, initiate calm and intimate conversations, where the woman feels comfortable and safe, without judging her. Let her know that you are beside her and that everything you share will be confidential.


We can all be subjected to a situation of violence. If you feel like you’re ready to explain it, at Suara you will find a safe and discrete place to do it.

We want to listen to you and do whatever we can to help you as much as possible. Talk to a person you can trust at work or contact us by phone at 647.864.969 or by email at to get advice. We’re there for you!


If the time has come to take a step forward, the actions have to be agreed with the woman and she must give her consent.

Confidentially consult the rights and coverage we guarantee at Suara, in the current legal and corporate rules and regulations. Take particular care to not share the personal or contact details of the woman, to guarantee anonymity.

SUARA - Mary Wollstonecraft

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